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2016 July and August Program

Hardanger Biscornu Petite Project designed by Cindy Valentine

Program Teacher: Bobbi Yonai

Avoid the "anger" with hardanger by learning how to start the project off on the right foot. Kits will be available for purchase before the meeting starts.

We will be working on Part II of the Valentine Biscornu—discussing the technique for cutting and then weaving the stitches inside the hearts and the center area. Complete each doodle patterns that was on page 8 prior to the meeting. You will be able to practice cutting and then weaving the remaining threads. This will provide you with practice prior to stitching on your actual biscornu piece. If you want to cut on the actual biscornu, you should have all the stitching completed for the top of the biscornu, except the beads.

We will also discuss how to finish the biscornu.

Please bring sharp, thin bladed  scissors for cutting the linen, a hoop for when you do the weaving, and any magnification you might need. Also bring all your threads and your usual stitching supplies.

Materials list:

  • 1 stitcher’s eighth (approx. 18 x 13 inches) of 28 count linen fabric

  • Doodle cloth – any piece of 25 or 28 count evenweave or linen

  • 1 card Rainbow Gallery Elegance,size 8 silk pearl # E800 or size 8 pearl cotton, white

  • 1 card Rainbow Gallery Subtlety, size 12 silk pearl, # Y800 or size 12 pearl cotton, white

  • 1 skein Needlepoint Inc. Silk thread # 503

  • Small amount Rainbow Gallery Subtlety, size 12 silk pearl, # Y832 or size 12 pearl cotton, dark green.

  • 2mm pearl beads

  • Mill Hill crystal beads # 42013

  • Lining fabric


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