Petite Garland by Ruth Hofmann
Instructions can be found on the EGA Members Only section of the EGA wesite
Blackwork, beading and biscornu, oh my! Learn the the techniques of creating and finishing a 15-sided biscornu.
Approximate finished length: depends on fabric count
Materials list from Kathrin's blog:
8" x 8" or larger piece of 28 count evenweave fabric The fabric size specified is for an oval finished project. If you intend to frame this piece, put it on a different sized lid, or create an ornament, please bring sufficient fabric for that purpose. Ruth Hofmann stitched the samples on Lavender Brittany.
Fibers: Main Color (MC) for flowers and leaves
Fibers: Color A for cross stitch accents
Fibers: Color B a pale or light color for flower centers
Blending thread to accompany the main color
Sewing thread to close

Ruth Hofmann used the following:
Supplementary Information:
The January and February program will be devoted to the Petite Garland, an EGA Petite Project led by Susan Kaplan. You can find the instructions in the Members Only section of the EGA website. Then click on Petite Projects. This is a stash project!
Please print your own instructions. There will be a few project print outs available at the January's meetings but not enough for everyone.
The February meeting will show how to attach the stitched piece to an Altoids' box. A member will bring some in from her stash.