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2023 March Program

Maker Faire Prep

Organizer: Lisa DuBois

Help us assemble our new kits for the 2023 Maker Faire as part of our Outreach efforts. We will have five stations showcasing a different stitch technique at each one. Each kit contains; instructions, fabric, floss, and a needle. We will have hoops for the makers to borrow during the event.

Also, to help the makers, we will be making examples of the design to follow. As well as making an example at each station.

The stations are:

  1. Stem Stitch

  2. Satin Stitch

  3. French Knot

  4. Lazy Daisy Stitch

  5. Berry Stitch/Layered Lazy Daisy Stitch

If you don't want to participate, you can bring your own project to work on.

We use our Outreach opportunities to educate our community about the needle arts and promote our chapter of the Embroiderer's Guild of America.


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